Brieven / 2024-08 persoonlijke brieven kinderen


2024 AGUS 

Managing kitchen’s need on Ceria Orphanage

By : Agus

In Ceria Orphanage, I got trusted to manage shopping groceries. And I also start learning how to manage money to buy all the kitchen’s needs. I learned so much from Mama Marsa, Mama Debby, and Yuvim.

From them, I learn to make a list what should I buy, and how to manage money so I can get all from my list with money that I have, and also and also how to choose food ingredients that don't spoil quickly if stored in the refrigerator like carrot, potato, and etc. and the most important thing is, I learn how to make a notes about how much money I ealready use to buy all of the things on the list, and write it on my book.  Therefor, when I gain this trust, I must be responsible for managing it well, and careful.  Thank You



Healthy Garden For Us

By : Frengky

Here in Ceria Orphanage we manage a large garden, and we used it to grow various vegetables and fruits. We got vegetables like spinach, grren mustard, cabage, broccoli, pitchay, and also we have fruits like Banana,  Papaya, Jackfruit.

This garden was worked on by the children themselves under the leadership of Mr. Niko Banase. We grow vegetables using organic farming patterns. Nowadays, many people no longer care about healthy vegetables, but want delicious and cheap ones. They don't care, they don't care how vegetable farmers manage their gardens, whether in a healthy or unhealthy way. So many farmers still use chemical fertilizer products to maintain their vegetable production to gain large economic profits.

But they don't know the reason why using chemical fertilizers can make them sick. In contrast to our gardens, we use organic fertilizer because we do it with the awareness that this land needs to be cared for and maintained so that it adds value to many people in a healthy way and makes the body's immune system strong so that it is not easily attacked by disease and lives a healthy life away from current air pollution.   Thank You


2024 SELA My School ( Kasih Karunia Senior High School)

By : Sela

Kasih Karunia Senior High School is one of the school that have a dorm in Kupang. This year, is my third year in high school. In this school, I learn to be more disciplined about time, responsibility, and studying and also assignments as a student.  I am really gratefull to study here, because the school is also teach us about religion values, and teach us to be brave, and we must shows the religion values on our attitude. One thing that I excitied for is they teach us how to be a leader who is brave, disciplined, just like a vision and mission of our school.

Thank You


2024 YOLANDALessons From The Wingless Angel

By : Yolanda

Becoming independent children is the hope of all of us at Yasap, especially being independent in doing everything in everyday life. Wingless Angel is the nickname for Mama Marsa and Mama Debby who have always been advisors to us.

When we were with Mama Marsa, Mama Marsa always taught us many things, starting from cooking in the kitchen, maintaining cleanliness inside the house and outside the house. For example, in the kitchen, Mama Marsa teaches us how to cook food that is delicious and healthy for the body. Apart from the kitchen, Mama Marsa also taught us to always maintain cleanliness inside the house and outside the house.

We are so lucky to have Mama Marsa and Mama Debby who always advise us. Thanks to all Mama Marsa's teachings, we, as children, can now do many things that have been entrusted to us, especially cooking in the kitchen, keeping the house clean and going to the market to shop.

Now that we are children on our own without the figure of Mama Marsa, we have become independent, we have started to learn to follow the figure of Mama Marsa to manage many things on our own.

That’s all from me, Thank You 😊😊


2024 YENTI

Bible Camp at Kasih Karunia Senior High School

Oleh : Yeni

Bible Camp at my school is very good, so I enjoy participating in these activities. I am very happy because this is the second time I have participated in this activity at school and this year's Bible Camp really motivates me, because it corresponds to the friends given, namely ''True Disciples'' or true students where in this activity we will be divided into several groups to discuss or reflect together about the games we play together and their relevance in our lives and their relationship to God's word.

I got group 12 or the last group and the name of our group was Ruth which was taken from the Bible, how Ruth was a true disciple of God. And in this activity there was something new that I experienced for the first time, namely that our school invited parents and their children to play games together and parents also had to play. From there I learned that togetherness is very important in the lives of all of us. We were divided into several posts to serve them and I was in post 1, namely the "Sakti Net" or spider web where parents and children had to work together to get through the holes in the web.

Even though we all did it in very hot conditions and were tired, we still tried to please them. Because this year is the last year I take part in this activity. I learned how to be a true disciple of God and be able to face many challenges in this life. And because this year is the last year I take part in this activity.

Thank You


2024 ALBERTDifferences between moving to Kalimantan and life in Yasap Kupang.

Oleh : Albert

I migrated to Kalimantan for 2 years and my life there was very different from in Yasap. Because when I was in Kalimantan, the way things worked there required me to have a high school diploma (High School), there were so many difficulties that I experienced while I was in Kalimantan, starting from eating and drinking, rent for housing that had to be paid by myself, and my income was minimal, no enough for my personal needs. So I chose to return to Yasap because I think in Yasap my life is more secure, for example eating, drinking, a place to live, and in Yasap I can also learn about organic farming because in my opinion working in Kalimantan I don't get knowledge about organic farming. which was amazing when I was in Yasap.Terima kasih


2024 ARISSolar power generation and How to use it

Oleh : Aris

I will tell you a little about the installation of hydroelectric power plants (PLTS) in YASAP. The PLTS installation began in June, by Mr. Obed and polytechnic students and assisted by me and Piter. Mr. Obed and I were taught by Mr. Obed, starting from installation to how to use PLTS. The initial stage is the foundation or making a stand for the PLTS pole. There are 6 stands made according to the number of poles used, namely 6 poles. There are 6 modules used. The PLTS installed at YASAP is 1 meter wide, 2 meters high and 3 meters long. The function of the module is to absorb sunlight, after which the absorbed sunlight will then be converted into electrical power. The electricity produced can be used immediately or can also be stored in a battery for use at night.

Some of the advantages of PLTS that I feel are:

The hotter the sun's rays are, the greater the electricity or power produced, so when it is used at night the power is still remaining or the unused power is exhausted, besides that. The most tangible benefit is that solar power generation can reduce the cost of electricity use in YASAP. Electrical energy produced from solar energy can be used before using PLN electrical energy so that electricity bills can be more economical. PLTS is also environmentally friendly so that the earth's ecosystem can be better maintained in accordance with our environment at YASAP because of organic farming.

By using electrical energy produced from alternative energy from sunlight, the earth will avoid potential causes of environmental damage. The energy source is sunlight so it never runs out. This is different from electricity which is connected to the national electricity grid which requires fuel, causing air pollution.      Thank You


2024 SARAHOrganic Farming For Human Health

Oleh : Sarah

There are many events in the world of health that attract my attention. From the articles I read, 60% of people in the world are sick due to food poisoning that contains preservatives and chemicals.

In this case, the health discussed is related to the health of the land itself, and the health of humans who consume what is produced. Soil that has been contaminated by chemicals for a long time takes a long time to become good soil suitable for organic plants.

Starting with organic fertilizer, which is used to optimize soil fertility, so that the soil can adapt to organic fertilizer. If the soil is healthy, the plants planted will also be quality plants. All organic materials used come from nature, so the plant products obtained are safer to consume.

Health is related to what is used in the plant to be consumed. Organic plants are good for health because they do not contain any chemicals. So the plants produced are fresher. Organic ingredients do not contain preservatives, and the ingredients for making fertilizer also use fresh fermented fruits and vegetables.

Yes, YASAP (Children's and Women's Solidarity Foundation) is currently implementing an organic farming program, to create a healthy environment and fresh, chemical-free plants. YASAP provides opportunities for many people to care more about environmental and human health. So, with this organic farming program, it is hoped that YASAP will be the originator and a good start in the world of agriculture.     Thank You


2024 MARIA

Eco Enzym Based Organic Farming

Oleh : Maria

Through this letter, I want to tell you a little about Eco-Enzyme based organic farming in the Yasap Kupang garden. Organic farming is also very meaningful not only for gardens, plants, the environment, but has an important influence on the health of the human body. Firstly, Eco-Enzymes are made from natural ingredients without using synthetic chemicals so they do not disturb soil fertility and plant fertility. vegetables, fruit, even when people eat food from organic gardens, they do not experience health problems in their bodies like before they ate vegetables from organic agricultural products.

In my personal experience, when I saw the treatment process using Eko-Enzyme, I found that several diseases could be cured just by using Eko-Enzyme. firstly, when we accidentally cut a knife we ​​can immediately douse the wound with Eko-Enzyme to stop the blood, secondly there is a child whose leg itches and the wound is scratched and the wound dries up 1 week later, thirdly it can cure pain, aches due to tiredness, it can heal cancer, there are many other uses for Eco-Enzyme which are very beneficial for the human body

Then for plants, Eco-Enzyme can easily neutralize toxins from chemicals that may be accidentally contaminated. All the plants that we produce from this garden have extraordinary benefits for health compared to using chemicals which over time make us sick and without us realizing it turns out these diseases come from our daily lifestyle, such as kidney disease, stroke, stomach problems due to from this lifestyle.      Thank You








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